[First 5 who respond with one benefit of fish oil (hint: just look below) will get 40% off their first purchase.] At the Milton Athletic Club we strive to meaningfully improve our members' health, fitness, and happiness. For us, part of that mission manifests itself in the high quality supplements that we design and locally blend. Our line of MAC Strength Lab supplements are the among cleanest, purest, best supplements on the market. And coming to the line-up this week...FISH OIL!
The Omega-3 fats EPA and DHA in fish oil provide numerous health benefits: *keep our hearts and brains healthy *lower inflammation *improve our cells' communication *keep joints mobile *help us stay lean *help build muscle Plus, there is strong evidence that omega-3s can:
*improve your blood lipids (like triglycerides and HDL-C) *help reduce some symptoms of depression and anxiety *help reduce some ADHD symptoms *help regulate our metabolism and blood sugar *preventing cancer *preserving memory *eye health *decreasing liver fat
In other words...taking fish oil is a complete no brainer.