Hey MAC family! We need your help as certain citizens around the gym have complained vehemently about our MIlton Athletic Club sign. Yes, it's baffling, but apparently 5 or so people have nothing better to do than to spend tons of time and energy complaining about our road front sign and demanding that we take it down. Therefore, in order to fight to have signage for our club, Kyle will have to go back to Milton City Hall on Tuesday in order to argue for a sign on behalf of the MAC. If we've ever done anything positive for you, then please take 5 minutes to help us out in this battle!!! All we are asking is that you send an email to Cody Hendrix at [email protected] explaining the benefit of the MAC to this community and the importance of having a sign so that people know we are back here in our little shopping center corner.
Cody needs these emails by this Saturday. Please cc Kyle on them at [email protected]
Rally MAC Family!!! |