The opportunity of a lifetime, only exist in the lifetime of the opportunity. Finally, a fitness boot camp (Belin Sport and Fitness) that provides you with an unbelievable jump start with your fitness goals.
What is the 11 Day Fitness Boot Camp Challenge? The 11 Day Challenge is a process designed to jump start you (a Belin Challenge Fitness Boot Camper) with effective and quick results. This experience is an optional package offered to campers who are already taking the 4 week fitness boot camp. It is administered on the last 2 weeks of the 4 week fitness boot camp program. The objective of this challenge is to motivate you to stay focus on your long term goals, while positioning you within reach of your short-term goals (wedding, trip, vacation, reunion, or birthday) What is the process of the 11 Day Fitness Boot Camp Challenge? Week 1 and 2 is used to prepare you for the 11 Day Challenge. Week 1: If you have never worked out or have not worked out in a very long time, you will experience muscle soreness the first week. So we try to get you past the muscle soreness phase before the 11 day challenge. So the first week is facilitating you into the process of working out again and learning the various different boot camp exercises. Also we provide you with our 30 Day Fat Burning meal plan for you to follow for the first two weeks. Those who completely follow this meal plan usually experience weight loss before the 11 day challenge even starts. This also is designed to prepare you for the meal plan of the 11 Day Challenge. Week 2: If you are a coffee drinker, we provide you this week to eliminate your caffeine usage. Some people experience headaches. So we try to get you through the possible headache experience before the 11 Day challenge. All participants must notify BS&F that they will participate in the challenge by no later than 9:00am on Wednesday of the second week. Week 3: a) Monday- All monies is collected from the participant on the Monday of the 3rd week. Your Boot Camp trainer performs the initial weigh-in and measurements for the 11 Day Challenge. The 11 Day participant receives their 11 Day package and orientation. b) Tuesday- Participant starts the 11 Day Challenge. Week 4: a) Friday- Participant finishes the 11 Day Challenge b) Saturday- Trainer performs final measurements and weigh-in. The third and fourth week is the 11 day challenge and the calorie burning intensity of the boot camp is very high and at its peak. So usually by the third week, the camper is already mentally and physically prepared for the workouts. And nutritionally, they have been prepared for the 11 Day meal plan which is extremely clean eating. No fried foods, sugar, breads, junk food, alcohol, caffeine, juices, sodas, heavy sauces, no beef, or pork. What is included in the 11 Day Challenge? 1. Initial assessment (weigh-in and hip/waist/bust measurements) 2. 11 Day Meal Plan- Breakfast and Dinner included in this package (you either cook or purchase your own lunch) 3. A personal trainer or lifestyle wellness coach that you will communicate with throughout the day to give you support and ensure you are staying on track with eating, sleeping, and exercise outside of the boot camp 4. Final assessment (weigh-in and hip/waist/bust measurements) And to put a cherry on the top of this mouth-watering package deal, we have put an UNBELIEVABLE Money Back Guarantee Policy. It is this simple: If you do not lose any body weight or inches around your midsection at your final weigh in of the 11 day challenge, then Belin Sport and Fitness will give you 100% of your money back for this 11 day challenge. And you walk away paying nothing for the experience. What have others experienced in their past 11 Day Fitness Boot Camp Challenge and what you can expect: A. On the average 7 to 9 pounds of weight loss B. to 3.75 inches off the waist line or hips C. Fitting clothes that you have not been able to wear in the past 3-6 months D. Unsolicited compliments and positive comments from family, significant others, friends, and co-workers E. Better control of your eating habits and food cravings F. Great boost of self-confidence G. Clearer and more radiant skin H. Better sense of overall wellness How much is the 11 Day Fitness Boot Camp Challenge? The price is only $117, in addition to your already purchased 3-5 times a week fitness boot camp package. Is there a bonus? Yes, as a bonus we also supply you with a 2 week maintenance meal plan after the 11 days to facilitate additional weight loss and to help you with your continuation of success after your great jumpstart and makeover. The price for the bonus maintenance plan is an additional $42. (which would total $159) Do I workout with other campers who are not taking the 11 Day Challenge? Yes, as mentioned before this is a part of the regular fitness boot camp program. The 11 Day Challenge provides “Biggest Loser” style secrets and training to provide you a local “NBC Biggest Loser experience.” Yonkers 11 Day Challene starts: May 18, 2020
SPECIAL OFFER JOIN NOW AND RECEIVE ALSO THE SUMMER SEXY MEAL PLAN FOR THE PRICE OF THE $159 (which includes the 11 Day and 2 week maintenance also).
Call or Text 917-476-9352 for more more information or to sign-up. |