So – does training in the grey and blue zone mean that you've achieved nothing? That you should have instead enjoyed that greasy Big Mac and French Fries? Absolutely not. You still become healthier in the grey and yellow zones, and you're preparing your body for an increased rate of fat burning, but you haven't burned any fat just yet. Put the burger down, and keep pushing. Your fitness journey doesn't start today and end tomorrow – it's a marathon, not a sprint. Similarly, does training in the green and red zones to accumulate as many kaizen points as possible mean that you are necessarily getting the most out of your workout? Certainly not. Unless you are the energizer bunny or a hamster actively spinning its wheel to the point of physical exhaustion, your goal should not be to live in the green and red zones the entire time. You are essentially beating your body up to the core, causing an excess level of physical and emotional stress on your muscles and ligaments. Don't be fooled by the overwhelming urge to push yourself to the extreme and then be disheartened by the fact that your neighbors are progressing at a faster rate than you and aren't killing themselves in the studio. You must listen to your own body. Blaze Fitness is 5 zone heart rate based interval training workout; the basis being interval training, which means fluctuations in heart rate and intensity. These variations are what creates an oxygen deficit within the body – thus creating EPOC. While you want to challenge (push) yourself during a workout, you want to ensure that you are allowing your body proper time to recover between efforts. This allows you to challenge yourself more during the Push and All Out moments.
Think of your base pace, the green zone, as your home's foundational structure. The walls that add a framework to your house will eventually crumble if they aren't situated on a sturdy base foundation. When you have worked to build your base pace, only then can you enjoy the benefits of the Green. In this zone, you reap the benefits of filtering more oxygen through your cells, which will eventually lead to more All Out moments. Say you've uncovered that glossy new heart rate monitor from its pristine packaging. Are you going to fall into the trap of being so enamored by the technical features that the data gets overlooked? Or are you going to take the time to understand your body's performance in the different heart rate zones and enlist in a fitness routine backed by science? The choice is yours. But we are here to help! Take advantage of our this amazing technology and take your training to the next level. Remember, if you can't measure it, you can't improve it. We are your accountability partners.he choice is yours. But we are here to help! |