A breast cancer diagnosis can be terrifying! But you can take control by getting to the root of the illness.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) can: Improve your quality of life during and after treatment. Boost your immune system to help prevent the recurrence of your cancer. Increase feelings of control and encourage empowerment Improve hormone balance
Are you ready? Let’s: ✔Decrease side effects of your conventional cancer treatment ✔Find the root of your hormone imbalances through advanced hormone “DUTCH” testing ✔Maximize your immune system’s cancer-fighting abilities ✔Decrease inflammation, a major driving force behind cancer ✔Change the internal environment of your body that allowed your cancer to thrive
Check out this week''s blog on Complementary Alternative Medicine for Breast Cancer Treatment for more information At Denver Sports and Holistic Medicine, we take a root-cause, functional medicine approach to your treatment. When you visit us, we’ll do an in-depth review of your health history and listen to your unique concerns. Then, we may perform various functional lab tests to get a more in-depth view of your health. Each patient has their own unique pattern of disease, and we strive to unveil and treat the root cause and of your presenting symptoms.
Ready to start now? Get in touch for your free consultation today!