Dear , How do I react to change? It's a question every yogi and yogini should ask him/herself. Change is inevitable, however that knowledge doesn't always make it easy to adapt. Often, my first reaction to change is resistance. I like things the way I like them, and I don't want any change to happen! We humans can be creatures of habit, familiarity, and routine. We like knowing how things are going to be, we like reliability and steadiness. That's partially because these are qualities of Earth Element, which is a big part of our inherent nature. But, we also embody Water Element, which gives us the ability to go with the flow of change. We are Fire Element, which is the energy of transformation. We are Air Element, which is the very representation of movement, change, and transition. And we are Sky Element, which is the capacity to have space for it all. We also love change. Take vacations, for example. On a vacation, we get the opportunity to step out of our comfort zone, out of our routine, and into something completely different (and often unpredictable!) We love the change of trying out a new recipe. We enjoy meeting new friends, hearing a new joke, listening to new music, the list of the llittle changes we enjoy goes on and on. And when we do embrace life's BIG changes, like a new career, new relationships, retirement, the loss of a family member, a big move, etc. we can experience so much growth and expansion of the mind and heart. As Jaye likes to say, "if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always gotten." Yoga helps us accept and embrace change. We purposely are changing the positioning of our body to explore new patterns through yoga asana. Through pranayama, we change the patterns of our breath and our energy. Through meditation, we are actually changing the neural pathways in our brains. That's big stuff! We have a few temporary schedule changes at Garden of the Heart this month. Nothing that should rock you to your core, maybe just a little speedbump on the highway of life. All the changes for June and July are currently up on our website schedule page, so you can check it all out. (The highlights are also written below.) Be the change you wish to see in the world, Cheryl |