Dear Students and Parents: In order to help mitigate the potential spread of the coronavirus and keep our families, teachers, and desk staff healthy, we will be holding all our lessons online for a two week period beginning this Sunday March 15th and continuing through Saturday March 28th. We will resume in-studio lessons on Sunday March 29th if it is safe to do so. We are using the Zoom platform and all you need is a link to connect to your teacher’s studio. It works on most web browsers but you can download the app on any device for a smoother experience at When you have a moment, please text or call us at 323-522-4888 to get your room number and then go here for the link to use: Just click the link at your lesson time! The front desk will be here to answer any of your questions and make sure you can easily get started. Your lessons will be at your regular time with your teacher. We are temporarily suspending our group make up lessons for the next two weeks but will resume them when we return. Thank you for your support and for making music with us. Be safe and stay healthy! David Rhodes |