BOOK and/or PAY for your class... "IN ADVANCE" It's easy. Download our App! You can also CANCEL your class with one click!
Why do we ask you to BOOK or CANCEL your class in advance? So we know how many people to expect. On those occassions when there's one person or two people signed-up, class will most likely be cancelled. If we don't know you are coming, we can't assess whether to cancel the class.
Sign-up at least one hour before your class! Why? Our instructors need to know whether to come or not. One of our instructors lives in New Jersey? She has to leave at least 45 minutes before class starts.
On the flip side...we have limited spaces for each class. You all have seen Studio 1, we can only get 10, 11, or 12 people in that room comfortably. If we don't know your coming, it makes for an uncomforatable setting for class with too many people. Ugh :-(
So, sign-up in advance (or cancel if you need to)!
Thank you,
Debra, Owner
SMART Fitness Studio