Hey, Lucky Duck! Did you get a holiday gift certificate? Then what are you waiting for? -- It's never too early to plan ahead and we want to make sure you get the best time that works for your schedule!
Here are a few pro tips to keep in mind: 1. Check our calendar online to see all of your scheduling options. You can select the style, length, and location that works best for you, and if you have a particular therapist that you know you love, you can search for just their schedule too. 2. If nothing is available for the search options you entered, the computer will show you the next several options available, even if it's on a different day -- so pay attention to the calendar before you submit your request! 3. Even if you have a gift certificate, we still request your credit/debit card information, just to hold this reservation. This information stays secure and encrypted in our system, and we will not charge your account simply for making this appointment request -- like most reputable massage studios and spas, we have a 24 hour cancellation policy (which you can read here) and request this information in the event of a late-cancel or no-show. Don't worry, though: Just bring your printed copy of your gift certificate with you to your massage appointment and there will be no need to charge the card that you entered. 4. More questions? We put together a whole "Gift Certificate FAQ" page that we invite you to check out here. Call or text with any other questions! In the meantime, get your request started here. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas from Soma Massage Therapy!