I think I've discovered a new way to burn more fat and get my clients a flatter belly. As a fitness trainer, when people come to me, the number one thing they ask for is to help them get abs – a flatter belly.
Now, since I like to experiment with different workouts, cardio programs and eating plans I tend to use my clients as Guiana pigs. Some times I find better ways to get you faster results and other times I discover things that just don't work (but seemed good in theory). My clients don't mind, they're good sports about it Actually. Recently I shifted my focus on finding new and faster ways to drop more fat off the mid section and to find a better way to get my clients flatter, more defined abs. And I *think* I discovered the perfect flat belly formula. Now I say I think because up until now I've only tested this with my current clients. I've never used this system with every day people – you know folks who have not worked out for a while if ever.
That would be the TRUE test of my new discovery. See, my clients are getting amazing results from this new belly flattening training system I've discovered. They love it because the results come fast, the belly fat just falls right off and we could see really noticeable results in less than 30 days. But I need to test it out with people who have never been through my training programs, and that's why I'm writing you... I'm thinking of doing a "beta test group" where I would work with a group of people who want to burn belly fat, get definition and flatten your abs and I plan on tracking everything so I can quantify REAL results from people who I have never worked with before. I'm still working on the outline for the program so I don't know how many people I want to take into this beta group. But if you think that you'd be interested in being a test subject (yes a Guiana pig) in my beta test group while I test out the new belly fat burning workouts and nutrition program I discovered while training my clients then hit reply on this email and let me know you're interested. I'm putting the details of the program together in the next day or so and then it should be ready to do for the beta test group. Again, just let me know if you think you'd be a good fit to be in the beta test group. Or Just Register to get started.
Talk soon, JON BLAZE 404-467-6321  |