It's the final full moon of 2021!
Most distinctive for its high trajectory across the sky and sitting above the horizon for a longer period of time, it's commonly known as the Cold Moon -- named for the frigid conditions of this time of year, when cold weather truly begins to grip us.
Astrologically, the final full moon of 2021 brings with it the mortal and immortal twin energy of Gemini so be prepared to tap into this energy with a focus on healing old wounds and shedding whatever you don't want to carry into the new year.
This is the perfect Full Moon Yoga & meditation practice to aid you in letting go of old grievances that may surface during this full moon is important. This way you don't carry negative residual energy into 2022
Consider this a self-love party to celebrate YOU before the year is out.
You are magic.
You are enough.
You are uniquely you, and the universe revels in your beauty.
Remember that when you are calling in the energy of the full moon in Gemini, and always!