This month, I've been focusing alot on self-care. A few weeks ago, I saw a post on my Facebook feed that asked: "Name one thing the pandemic made you grateful for?" I have to admit that I was a bit surprised by the number of responses that talked about how stressful and horrible the past year has been. And let's face it: we're just starting to come out of a year in lockdown, focusing on the pandemic, the stress of homeschooling while working remotely and not being able to travel, the past fifteen months have been a major stressor in our lives. Even as a practicing yogi, it took some trial and error to recognize that I needed to schedule self care and accept that it was going to look different. Prior to lockdown, I made a point of scheduling my fitness time whether it was going to the gym, a dance class or my yoga practice. I had regular dinner or brunch plans with friends. I took advantage of all the things New York City has to offer: Broadway, concerts, etc. In other words, I was doing things that brought me joy and helped me take care of myself. But this past year, self-care for me has looked alot different. How many of these have you tried? - Reading a good (or trashy romance) book
- Binge watching Netflix (I rediscovered The Office, Frasier,and Roseanne among others!)
- Virtual Races (I have quite a collection of medals now and it helped me get out in nature and exercise)
- Listen to your favorite music from childhood (Thank you Spotify!)
- Watch funny videos on YouTube (Try to watch George Jefferson dance without laughing!)
Even though there were no concerts or trips to exotic locales to practice yoga. I have learned to enjoy my morning coffee while watching the birds come to my bird feeders instead of mindlessly scrolling on my phone. I have tons of coloring books and watching "how to" paint videos instead of going out for a Paint NIte party. I still read and I still practice yoga. And I still schedule the time for it even though I work from home. Self-care doesn't have to be a day at the Spa (although I love those days!), it can be as simple as spending 30 minutes doing something you enjoy. So this week, try unrolling your yoga mat and if you can't commit to a full class or even 30 minutes, set the timer for five minutes, and do a few Sun Salutations. I promise you'll feel the difference! Have a great week and I'll see you on the mat! ~Cyndy P.S. Don't forget to set aside some time for your yoga practice. Full online schedule runs through June 15!