Hi ! As our 2021 Beach Yoga season heads into its final weeks, I'm always hit with a flurry of emotions. There is, of course, happiness at having had another successful season. There is also a bit of sadness that the end of beach season, means the end of summer, which means soon it will be time to pull out the fuzzy socks again. And, of course, gratitude. There is always gratitude. 2021 as been my fifth year offering beach yoga classes at Field 2. I love seeing old and familiar faces (some of you have been coming since Day 1!) and I love all the new friends who have honored and trusted me with their yoga practice and gave our little community a try. I've met so many wonderful people over the years that have led to some very special connections! Thank you for coming out! I can only do what I love to do because of you and I am so grateful to each and every one of you! Whether it was your first season, fifth season, or somewhere in between, I hope you have enjoyed your practice at the beach this summer. I truly believe that yoga should be available to all because it can be such a positive force in each of lives. Yoga has helped me heal from running and dance injuries and my mat has also been a place of great healing during times of sadness. We still have a few more weeks left at the beach, but please know that our journey doesn't end Labor Day weekend or even during the Autumnal Equinox. During the off-season, you can still practice with me online, in-person at Positions Dance Studio in Babylon Village and in February we will have a 2022 Beach Yoga Season Preview with an 8-day retreat to Costa Rica! For those of you who would like to deepen your yoga practice beyond the mat or learn more about the history and philosophy of yoga, I will be offering Immersive Courses. Some topics will include the Chakras, the 8 Limbs of Yoga, and the Yamas and Niyamas. And there will be plenty of Master Classes, Workshops, and of cousre, the ever-popular New and Full Moon classes. Let's have a great off-season and only 279 more days till Beach Yoga 2022! Cyndy |